Sell More Books – 7 Incredible Insights for Authors

sell more books

Nothing is more pathetic than working hard on your book and publishing it only to find out that no one is interested in it.

In this article, we will see 7 important mindset shifts to help you sell more books and earn better from your writing. Although these are best principles for Authors who write their own books, some concepts can also help if you are re-publishing a public domain book.

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How to Start a Page Number from a Specific Page in Word

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In today’s blog post, we will see how to start a page number from a specific page, like the Chapter 1 or any Front Matter section like the Foreword section. Thus, by simply following the steps given in this article, you can make Page numbers for your paperback books look professional. Pagination for PaperBacks The … Read more

How to Order Proof and Author Copies of Kindle Paperback Book

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This is a great news for authors! Amazon KDP has recently announced (Jan 13, 2018) that it provides low-cost copies of books for its authors. Ordering author copies You can watch more details on the video above. So, if you have written or writing a book that is going to be published as a paperback, … Read more

KDP Royalties – Earn Through Direct Deposit Worldwide

how to use payoneer to earn kdp royalties

If you are a Kindle publisher, you might be facing a problem in not being able to receive direct deposit worldwide, while “check” is the only alternative to receive royalties from international sales of your eBooks. We will sort that issue for you in this blog post! Amazon provides 13 marketplaces worldwide, as you know, … Read more