Download Free Stock Images for Commercial Use without Watermark

download free stock images for commercial use without watermark

In this guide, we’ll see 25 websites through which we can download Free Stock Images For Commercial Use Without Watermark. With this abundance you can have a never ending supply of images and designs for your blog posts, social media posts, within your YouTube videos and video thumbnails – the options are limitless especially if … Read more

The Best Free Annotation Tool for Presenters

If you’re into presentations or teaching something through screen sharing online with others, you know you cannot annotate, highlight nor zoom into the screen while presenting. This is possible in some presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint to some extent but not without showing the audience what you are actually doing in front of them. But here’s what’s … Read more

Sell More Books – 7 Incredible Insights for Authors

sell more books

Nothing is more pathetic than working hard on your book and publishing it only to find out that no one is interested in it.

In this article, we will see 7 important mindset shifts to help you sell more books and earn better from your writing. Although these are best principles for Authors who write their own books, some concepts can also help if you are re-publishing a public domain book.

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